학술대회 일정
일시: 2025년 2월 8일(토)장소: 보코강남서울 층LL (B2) 볼룸홀
대한의사협회 연수평점: 5점
09:20 ~ 09:30 | Opening Remark | 김호진(국립암센터, 대한신경면역학회 회장) |
Session Ⅰ. 2024 Revised McDonald criteria : what changes can we expect? | 좌장:김성민(서울의대),조중양(인제의대) | |
09:30 ~ 09:50 | An Overview of the 2024 McDonald Criteria Updates | 권순욱(인하의대,신경과) |
09:50 ~ 10:10 | Advanced Imaging Biomarkers in MS Diagnosis : Clinical and Radiological Insights on CVS and PRLs |
김우준(가톨릭의대,신경과) |
10:10 ~ 10:30 | Q & A | |
10:30 ~ 10:50 | Coffee Break | |
Session Ⅱ. Comprehensive Management of Pregnancy in CNS Inflammatory Demyelinating Disorders | 좌장:오지영(건국의대),손은희(충남의대) | |
10:50 ~ 11:10 | Practical Considerations for Managing Pregnancy in Patients with MS | 양지원(가천의대,신경과) |
11:10 ~ 11:30 | Pregnancy and post-partum in patients with NMOSD and MOGAD | 김기훈(인제의대,신경과) |
11:30 ~ 11:50 | Q & A | |
Session Ⅲ. Plenary lecture | 좌장: 김호진(국립암센터) | |
11:50 ~ 12:20 | Cervical lymphatic vessels as a pathway for CSF drainage | 진호경(카이스트,기초과학연구원) |
12:20 ~ 12:40 | Q & A | |
12:40 ~ 13:40 | 총 회 & LUNCH | |
Session Ⅳ. Case-based discussion | 좌장: 민주홍(성균관의대),남태승(전남의대) | |
13:40 ~ 14:00 | Pitfalls in MOGAD Diagnosis: Clinical Cases of Antibody-Dependent Misinterpretation | 추승호(성균관의대,신경과) |
14:00 ~ 14:20 | Navigating Multiple Sclerosis Treatment Options
: A Case-Based Guide to Optimal Therapy |
김수현(국립암센터,신경과) |
14:20 ~ 14:40 | Beyond Inflammation: Diagnostic Challenges with CNS Inflammatory Disease Mimics | 강유리(국립암센터,신경과) |
14:40 ~ 15:00 | Q & A | |
15:00 ~ 15:20 | Coffee Break | |
Session Ⅴ. Evolving Strategies and Real-World Evidence in Neurological Autoimmune Diseases
: From Myasthenia Gravis to MS and NMOSD |
좌장: 신하영(연세의대),신경진(인제의대) | |
15:20 ~ 15:40 | Refractory Myasthenia Gravis: Challenges and Guidelines for Diagnosis and Treatment in Korea | 김승우(연세의대,신경과) |
15:40 ~ 16:00 | Real world outcomes of novel monoclonal antibodies for MS and NMOSD | 권영남(연세의대,신경과) |
16:00 ~ 16:20 | Q & A | |
16:20 ~ | Quiz & Closing | 김호진(국립암센터, 대한신경면역학회 회장) |